Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT). 

Using CBT to address Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Depression and much more.

At Shalom Counselling, we are experts in using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to address different psychological and mental health concerns including depression/ mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma, suicide ideation, alcohol and drug use problems, addiction, marital problems, and other severe mental illnesses. Research and our counselling experience has demonstrated that CBT is not only effective but also significantly improves overall mental wellness. We use diverse CBT approaches including Dialectical behaviour therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Rational Emotive behavioural Therapy and other forms of evidence-based psychotherapies.

CBT is a form of evidence-based psychological therapy that helps clients to address their concerns by confronting and changing faulty beliefs, thoughts and behavior. Its is based on the premise that beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behavior are interconnected. Negative/faulty thoughts and beliefs result to negative emotions and self defeating behaviors. If the unhelpful ways of thinking and beliefs can be altered, clients can learn positive and helpful behavior patterns which results to better ways of managing distress and problems. CBT is effective in the  treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, trauma, eating disorders, and severe mental illness

The common techniques used in CBT include: cognitive restructuring/reframing, journalling and thought recording, activity scheduling and behavior activation, guided discovery, exposure therapy, behavior experiments and role playing. Read More.

Some of the conditions that can be treated effectively with CBT include: Anxiety, Anxiety Spectrum Disorders(Social Phobia, PTSD, OCD), Depression and other mood disorders(Bipolar Disorder, Schizo-affective Disorder, substance-induced mood disorders), addiction and substance abuse, insomnia, relationship and marriage issues, trauma and gambling. 

Typically, CBT takes a minimum of 10 sessions done over a period of 3 to 6 months. One can choose to have more than 10 sessions. 

CBT and Client Centered Therapy

Our CBT therapies incorporate client centred principles. We see our clients as equal partners. We believe that the client is best suited to decide what they want to work on and how. We deeply respect the choices of the client, and we wholeheartedly support their journey mental health and wellness. We don’t impose counselling goals. Rather, we guide our clients down a path of discovering what is best for them mentally, psychologically, and emotionally. We create a safe, non-judgmental, comfortable, and empathetic environment that enhances self-awareness and self-actualization.

Free CBT Manual

The CBT Manual attached below will help you to understand depression, low mood, anxiety and panic attacks. You will explore how emotions affect our thoughts and behavior using the ABC Model. In addition, you will learn how to set SMART goals when using CBT to address your issue. Importantly, you will learn critical CBT strategies and techniques such as lifestyle change, behavior action, cognitive restructuring, confronting fears, containing worries and problem solving which will enable you to realize permanent positive change.

Access More CBT Resources

If you need more CBT materials for free to help with learning and acquisition of key CBT skills and techniques such as lifestyle change, behavior activation, cognitive restructuring, confronting fears, containing worries and problem solving, access the download link below.

Book a 15 Mins consultation today... Take the next step

Book a Psychological Consultation session with our Counselling Psychologists to get more information on your concern before begining therapy.


"CBT really helped with my anxiety. I was able to learn effective skills of challenging my fear and irrational thoughts. I also learnt techniques of coping with anxiety...I must say the process was life transforming..Many thanks to the Shalom Team."

Nairobi, Kenya

"When I look back at what depression had done to me I shudder...My life was crumbling day in day out. The pain of loosing sooo much was unimaginable...But therapy really came in handy. For the first time i realized I was not helpless as I had come to believe...Anyway, I highly recommend the Cbt Approach"

Eldoret, Kenya

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